Jumping in Heels

A day in the Life of Me

1 min readFeb 24, 2023
Photo by Nina Novelo on Unsplash

Lets define today,
It was not just another day,
I rolled off of bed
With loads of thoughts in my head
Down the shower the water ran
As I tried to wake my tired mind, and hush that rant
Gulping on mugs of coffee, hoping
One eye will invite the other to open
Then into the sandpit I jump, ready for the hustle to begin
Expectations, questions, challenges and life
I wanted to work on it all and not allow myself to stay behind

Jumping into the day with heels
Unlike any other day
Figuring out how to close those deals
It is only fun to stay awake
When we are ready for that successful strike

Jumping with heels is not merely another stride,
Now I am happy and wide awake
To end my triumphant day in a dance with those heels!


Dedicated to all women striving in those challenging times. Keep Dancing and Keep showing up in those heels!

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I love words, writing, literature, poetry and art. I write short poems about anything that triggers my passion. My blogs: &