
The Word “Keeper”. A Poem

2 min readFeb 10, 2023

“Writers are wordsmiths…and writing is an art form and a talent that can never be defined, it can only be set free for a like mind to capture it and understand its essence, to like it, to share it, to get inspired by it, to identify with it, or not.”…You are Welcome!

Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash

When the sun shines and warms your heart
When life blooms just like art
Your mind unleashes in full spring
Creativity that bewilders like a dream

You feel an urge that you cannot suppress
Too much emotions to impress

When the moon pours its shadows in your veins
When the dusk snow mirrors the sky
Your mind unleashes in full spring
Creativity that bewilders like a dream

You want to call upon it all
You want to shout and scream for fall
You want that summer breeze to warm your cold
Too much for your senses to keep abreast

You want to embrace it all and design that canvas with your words
You want to set your soul free with every word

Words that connect you with life, with people, with the universe

Words that make you question your existence, why am I here?

I am. I am a word keeper.

Photo by Romain Vignes on Unsplash




I love words, writing, literature, poetry and art. I write short poems about anything that triggers my passion. My blogs: viewsandreviews.me & soulofagypsy.me